Right in line with the new Amazing Spider-Man movie release, we have the Lizard front and center in the monthly title. And we also have the 2nd issue of the very fun Spider-Men series. Otherwise, a fairly pedestrian medium-sized week.
Here's the full list of appearances:
- Amazing Fantasy 15 Spider-Man
- Amazing Spider-Man #688
- Amazing Spider-Man #688 (Campbell Lizard Variant)
- FF #19 (Spider-Man In Motion Variant)
- Marvel Previews #107
- Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man #3
- Spider-Men #2
- Spider-Men #2 (Martin Variant)
- Spider-Men #2 (Pichelli Variant)
- Wolverine and the X-Men #12
We're keeping our expectations for the upcoming movie release realistic. Not expecting the ticket sales to approach Avengers numbers, but it could eclipse previous Spidey movies. And above all else, the story and acting will hopefully be spot on. There has been no shortage of teaser clips (seems like one a day almost), and it all looks good so far.
Until next week...Happy Boxdiving!
Also this week...
ReplyDeleteSpider-Man Death Of The Stacys TP
Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Mark Bagley Direct Market Cover)